Monday, April 14, 2014

A.S. Fireside Chat

It’s In Our Hands

The story I told about the two girls and the blue butterfly was my adaptation of an old proverb that I once heard my mission president tell.  The story came a t a rough time for my mission when a lot of people were feeling discouraged.  The proverb was a parable of faith in oneself and an encouragement to use our free agency to let our hope live on.  I re-told the tale and it principles again and again on my mission and through it, was led by the Spirit to some of the most spiritual moments I would ever have in my life.  When told right, (hopefully I did it some sort of justice during the fireside night), the story has uplifted many people near and dear to me.
It was odd at first, telling something so spiritual and somber when most of my peers have generally seen the more active and comedic side of me.  I had something else planned out that would have fell a bit more into those lines, but I’m glad that I chose the butterfly story;  I wasn’t expecting to have such empowering speeches to follow up to that night.
The Fireside Chat as a whole?  Well, I managed to fill about four pages worth of my journal with the notes—more than even my General Conference section. The Sprit was just so strong in the room that night that answers to many of my questions just seemed to flow, and even a few moments of inspiration came about.   The more I watched, the more I wanted to watch.  I was continually impressed by my classmates and the spirits, (comedic, gospel, and creative), that they managed to exert.

It’s a bittersweet deal though: that was our last big night together.  After this semester, we’re all going to branch off into our specified departments.  It’s been a long time since I’ve actually cared enough abut my classmates to worry about missing them, and our experiences this semester—culminating in the Fireside Chat—brought us closer together than I had thought possible for a cold, closed heart like mine.  It’s been a rough year for me, but this group has brought a beacon of light into my life.  The kids are definitely all right, Offspring.  Now I guess it’s up to us to decide if we stick together through thick and thin or split up.  Either way: it’s all in our hands.