Monday, January 27, 2014

Artist's Statement: Round Robin

Cutting Grass

            “Blade” is actually based on a full-length screenplay for an animated children’s movie that I wrote and copyrighted a few semesters ago.  I was hoping to set the roots—pun very much intended—for people to tell their own stories of this personified plant.  It would have been fun to compare their visions to my own.
I was eagerly looking forward to seeing where other people’s imaginations would take Blade on his epic journey of micro proportions.
            But that wasn’t the point of this assignment, was it?
            The immediate response to my origin story was drastically changed into something completely different than what I had been expecting.  The idea of course was to take a branch of a previous story, and graft it into a new vegetation of ideas and images. (Plant comparisons just gonna’ keep on coming).
            I honestly have no idea how some of these stories connect, but comparing simply point A to point B is fertile ground for a rising laugh.   This can be taken as frustrating by artists, since their original seeded message grew into something completely different than what they had expected. 

            Everything is subject to personal interpretation and opinion, and those results can change depending on a person’s background and current circumstances.  What matters, at least to an extent in the entertainment field, is that your audience is still—well—your audience.  At least you have one!  So they didn’t get the original message you were trying to portray: that’s okay, keep at it.  Art is the only media in which you actually can plant oranges and get peaches instead. And if in the end you somehow ended up with a peach tree instead of an orange tree, find a way to learn from and laugh at it! Constructive self-deprecating humor can be funny—no—just peachy

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