Monday, January 27, 2014

Round Robin 2

Blake shoved aside the tall blades of grass with eager anticipation on his face. He looked
back into the jungle-like field behind him. “Hurry up Jim!”
A wheezing figure appeared through the brush. “I’m trying Blake! It’s not easy with all
this grass! It’s like they don’t wanna move or something!”
Blake could hardly breathe for anticipation. They had finally reached their destination. The lake lay right in front of them, blue green ripples shimmered and danced across the surface.
“This is it Jim. I know it. We’re going to be famous!”
“Not to be a downer on your little ‘treasure hunt,’ but it’s getting dark. We should set
up camp and try to look in the morning. This was supposed to be a vacation for me anyway; I
wanna put my feet up.”
“Aw c’mon Jim! We’re here! We have to try and find it! We’ve got at least an hour
until the sun sets!” He was already in his swim trunks so he took off his shirt and his shoes and
waded in the opaque water. Something was eerie about this place. He felt as if being watched,
and something about the way the water rippled was just, off. It was almost as if—no, that was
impossible. Turning in the mud, he climbed back up the bank to where Jim was waiting. “On
second thought, you’re right. We should wait until morning. I need to be able to see what’s down there.”

And with that they set up camp.

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